Fantastic work! Thank you for your generosity in offering such high quality work at the ridiculous price of "free". The community is richer for the effort.
I edited this set of sprites in "S&S Mature Males" to make an older looking male sprite. You are credited of course and I kept the terms of use the same. :)
I may make more variants using your sprite sets in the future.
Could I ask how you remove backgrounds from Photopea with these sprites? I jumped the gun a bit by downloading them all before checking to see if they had the white backgrounds, and they all do T-T
Hi Sutemo! How do I change the eye color? I'm using GIMP, for the record. (Nevermind I figured out how to select a layer and modify it. Thanks for the tool!)
You need to open the psd file using software such as Photoshop or Clip Studio Paint. If you don't have them, you can try using hope it helps
You don't need to draw anything. All you need to do is open the file in one of those softwares. And if any of the mentioned softwares doesn't fits you, MediBang Paint Pro can also open this type of files.
hey guys, uh how do i open an PSD file on my android? And believe me man, i really wanted to donate but im just a 17 yrs old kid with no paypal acc. who uses VN maker just to express the ideas on my mind.
perhaps try Adobe Photoshop Mix but if you have a "lower end" android, it wont be avaliable... you can also try Clip Studio Paint for mobile but it may not work either
Hello! Thank you so much for making these assets. They are amazing. Can I please make one request? Can you please make a dress shirt that has a buttoned up collar, and perhaps one with a tie that isn’t loose? I will gladly pay you to do so if you give me the means
Obrigada Sutemo, por criar esses sprites, eu não sei desenhar ou criar personagens, então irei usar os seus Sprites okay. Achei eles bem adoráveis, e irá me ajudar bastante, muito obrigada. Como devo colocar seu nome para creditá-lo em meu jogo? Estou bastante feliz e ansiosa para poder usá-los.
This is exactly what I've been looking for. Thank you so much for creating it. Can't wait to use it in my game. I will of course credit you. Thanks for such a fab tool!
I'm no good with PS, but I just copy/pasted the layer and made it into a clipping plane and changed the hue to green but no difference. I can move the entire female eyes over but the mouths are quite different and looks a bit odd. Do I need to do something else to get the color to apply?
You should adjust the color balance. I am not using photoshop so I don't know where it is but should be in filters. It's not perfect tho, but good enough if you use it corectly
But in my case, there's a little issue with the payment method. I can't pay with PayPal. :( So if it doesn't bother you too much could you please also add payment via card?
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is it necessary for me to credit you when releasing a game using these?
thanks again for making this very good asset, i used it to create a dumb game jam game
Thank you so much! I used these Sprites in my new game:
Thank you!
Thank you so much! I used this to create some male VTuber characters for redeems on my stream (also used the Female sprites):
Also included a callout to you and links to the packs in the video description.Have a great week!
hello I used :
in my game who is the killer: :
Fantastic work! Thank you for your generosity in offering such high quality work at the ridiculous price of "free". The community is richer for the effort.
I edited this set of sprites in "S&S Mature Males" to make an older looking male sprite. You are credited of course and I kept the terms of use the same. :)
I may make more variants using your sprite sets in the future.
hello dear,
i will use yuki pack from: in my game win or die: and i will credit the artists inside the about option in the start menu in my visual novel can you please approve
Truly amazing!
I'm using your pack on my Visual Novel, your page is included within a Credits.txt file!
Could I ask how you remove backgrounds from Photopea with these sprites? I jumped the gun a bit by downloading them all before checking to see if they had the white backgrounds, and they all do T-T
Thanks x
Can you make v2 of Male Character as Employees or Workers?
I will keep that in mind for the updated version, thank you for the suggestion! ^^
Can I use this for my game
Feel free to use it for your game.
Hi Sutemo! How do I change the eye color? I'm using GIMP, for the record. (Nevermind I figured out how to select a layer and modify it. Thanks for the tool!)
thank you for all of the sprites! they're lovely!
Can you add some poses and hand moves? Love your style.
Can I edit and mix-and-match some of the sprites?
Feel free to edit them.
Cool! Thanks for the permission.
Hello, what kind of software do I need to edit sprites?
شكراً لك باستطاعتي تعديله عن طريق الفوتوشوب ؟
I don't have the money, can I get it for free?
The male character sprite is free to download, you don't need to pay
Hey! We're making a game developing tool, is there a way we could license these for use in our visuals library?
Cheers, great work!
Hi, can you contact in Thanks!
Hi! Sorry to ask, but is there a specific manner for crediting you?
Hey, do you mind if i create a 2d vtuber avatar for me to use using assets from this? and ofc, you deserve credit for it
Feel free to make the avatar
Did u draw this in Photoshop>?
I drew this in Clip Studio Paint, I exported it to psd since most of the people more familiar with photoshop document.
Oh I thought you drew this on a paper first coz this is well drawn
Why would paper make a difference in quality? Weird take.
Thank you for this wonderful artwork!
I used it in my game:
excuse me why i get 1 photo in this zip?
You need to open the psd file using software such as Photoshop or Clip Studio Paint. If you don't have them, you can try using hope it helps
but i can't drawing
You don't need to draw anything. All you need to do is open the file in one of those softwares. And if any of the mentioned softwares doesn't fits you, MediBang Paint Pro can also open this type of files.
hey guys, uh how do i open an PSD file on my android? And believe me man, i really wanted to donate but im just a 17 yrs old kid with no paypal acc. who uses VN maker just to express the ideas on my mind.
perhaps try Adobe Photoshop Mix but if you have a "lower end" android, it wont be avaliable... you can also try Clip Studio Paint for mobile but it may not work either
Thank you so much for this. The art is so amazing
Thank you too!
Hello! Thank you so much for making these assets. They are amazing. Can I please make one request? Can you please make a dress shirt that has a buttoned up collar, and perhaps one with a tie that isn’t loose? I will gladly pay you to do so if you give me the means
Obrigada Sutemo, por criar esses sprites, eu não sei desenhar ou criar personagens, então irei usar os seus Sprites okay. Achei eles bem adoráveis, e irá me ajudar bastante, muito obrigada. Como devo colocar seu nome para creditá-lo em meu jogo? Estou bastante feliz e ansiosa para poder usá-los.
This is exactly what I've been looking for. Thank you so much for creating it. Can't wait to use it in my game. I will of course credit you. Thanks for such a fab tool!
Hello, I will be using these sprites in a game, what name do I use to give the credits??
Just write my username here, "sutemo", thank you for using my sprites
Hello, I'll be using these sprites on YouTube. Is crediting required? Thank you!
Thanks for using them, feel free to use with/without crediting :)
Hello ! I'm using the female sprite for the Trijam^^, a game jam^^ Thank you so much !
Hey, I know you've made the eye color changer for the female v2, is there a simple way to change the eye color for the male?
If you have the female v2, try to copy the color edit layer to the male psd file.
If you still confused, please let me know
I do! I'll give that a try
I'm no good with PS, but I just copy/pasted the layer and made it into a clipping plane and changed the hue to green but no difference. I can move the entire female eyes over but the mouths are quite different and looks a bit odd. Do I need to do something else to get the color to apply?
You should adjust the color balance. I am not using photoshop so I don't know where it is but should be in filters. It's not perfect tho, but good enough if you use it corectly
it's amazing <3, dont have v2 like the female sprites?
It's amazing, thank you so much!
But in my case, there's a little issue with the payment method. I can't pay with PayPal. :( So if it doesn't bother you too much could you please also add payment via card?
hey man, im a programer, want to make a visual novel?
Thanks for the offering, however I'm not taking anymore projects.
Good luck on your project
Loved it!
Thanks, glad you love it!