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it’s wonderful! thank you for sharing your creation, it’s very generous, especially for free.


Wished we got mature male characters...


you should not put it in single psd file

Hey, I was wondering if there was any way to contact you?

(1 edit)

can I edit the background to transparent  in psd?

(1 edit)

Hi! I'm planning to use some of your characters for a game I'm making although I change the hair color of one of them. Hope it's ok :) thanks for the free sprites anyway 


Format blows. What the heck.

I may used some of your characters in my game who is the killer


They are too young. So do not create a hot mommy!


Excuse me, how do you change the eye color? I never really used Gimp that much...

duplicate the layer set the layer blend to multiply and greyscale the img and then recolor the layer then render it have fun gimp is rly finiky i use it for my work 2 im trying to get my college to buy me photoshop haha

Hello, I was wondering if I’m allowed to use the assets from this pack (as well as the assets from your other character packs) in print media such as books and/or cards?

I’m designing a (physical) card game that will be printed (and hopefully, sold) and I’d like to use these graphics for character art.

it should say in the lisense


Hello, I am making a Chinese martial arts game in my spare time, but I lack the materials for the costume and hairstyle of the role. When I see your Character Sprite, I feel they are very beautiful. I wonder if I can get your help, please help me make some materials for the costume and hairstyle of the role, thank you.


Thanks for your works. Waiting for male mature character.

These are really nicely made thank you so much!

I was wondering if you were planning on making Mature Male Sprites as well?

There is a free VN I'm making where one of the characters is a Male School Teacher so I'm on the look out for sprites to use for his character.

Thanks and keep up the good work!


Thanks for making these! Great work as usual!

(3 edits) (+2)(-3)

These are teens and young adults at best - not really mature! Baby faces, no wrinkles, and no, well, sagging. :/ There's even a school outfit in there.

I got really excited when I saw the title, because there's a lack of any non-teen VN-style sprites out there, and was then a bit disappointed. As someone in their mid-thirties, it's very hard to find assets that represent the age demographic I'm in.

That said, it's still very cool that you're releasing free sprites for people to use in their projects - and a lot of people will get use out of them. Just a kind request to maybe tweak the title a little.

And, you know, apologies for being a grumpy old person.


Thank you for your suggestion, I really appreciate it. 

And yes, I made this one just slightly more mature than my previous female sprite. I plan to make adult looking sprite (30s to 40s) in the future.

Absolutely loved the female and male character packs, hoping to use this one soon.

Thank you!


So cool, your character portraits are best on the site, at least in my opinion. I'm buying into full thing as soon as it appears :)

Thank you very much!